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About Odete



Odete Martins Bigote, B.A. was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and educated in England, Switzerland, and the United States, Ms. Bigote has traveled extensively and has a background that includes the arts, languages, literature, holistic health, yoga instruction and other spiritual disciplines. She is a prolific lecturer and workshop leader. She produces her own weekly cable television show, and presently makes her home in New York City.


Dear friends:  Welcome to my website.  I'd like to share with you some thoughts.

One of my favorite songs is:

        Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream

        Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream


Delacorte clock at Central Park Zoo in New York City where the chimes play every half hour to announce the time as the statues of the animals move around and around.

"Time is but the stream I go a' fishing in."

Henry David Thoreau

Available for download, in three formats, are the sound files of the Chimes of the Clock.

clockchimes.wav clockchimes.mp3 clockchimes.au

Age of innocence: 7 months

Many years later I discovered that we are always innocent 


I also discovered that we build our own castles.  

This is one of my oil paintings.

Before I painted this landscape, I had the castle in my mind for a long time 

We are all artists dreaming of sculpturing our lives...

Read more about dreams that seem real enough to cause joy and pain in my book entitled:  You Can Remember Love:  Contemplations on Science and Spirituality.

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Odete Martins Bigote