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REVERSING For most of us, reversing, simply means seeing the other side of the coin. In the Bible, reversing, means going back to our original unified state of mind. We may think that we can see the other side of the coin by ourselves. But
true reversing can only be achieved by a Higher Energy and Intelligence, which
is beyond our understanding. In the Old testament, this Energy is called, God,
and in the New Testament it is called, Holy Spirit; we all know they are the
It should not be surprising that Albert Einstein, a man known as having a superior intelligence, once wrote:" We should never loose a holy curiosity." For Einstein, a very important state was what he called, " An oceanic feeling." He knew that something invisible and extraordinary controlled us.
How can this be done? We have been told that nothing is impossible for God. In the meantime, we wonder about his activities. We do not want to accept that we are responsible for our actions. We prefer to blame others for our present human condition. We blame the Barbarian Invasions, the Crusades, Napoleon, the World Wars of the last century, family members, co-workers, and so forth. Above all, and most important, we blame our parents. We don't understand that we can correct our mistakes, otherwise called "sins." THE UNPLEASANT THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS IMPOSED ON US BY OTHERS, AND BY Life on earth is structured in such a way that we have to go through certain ordeals, even painful ones, to correct our thoughts, and end our illusion of separation from God: this has been written many times, but most of us still do not get it! During an encounter with a blind man, the disciples asked Jesus:
Over one thousand years before Christ, the prophet Ezekiel (18:20) wrote:
These are excellent examples of the importance of stopping our blame game, and take action to heal by cooperating with our Higher Self, the Source of our unified state of mind. This is the only way " the works of God" can be manifested. Since we allowed the erroneous thought of separation from our Source to be introduced in our minds, it is only through us, individuals, and sometimes collectively, that they can be reversed. Let's look unto ourselves and ask for His help so that we go back to our Written by author
Odete Martins Bigote Author: "You Can Remember Love: Contemplations on Science and Spirituality. Discover that you are a powerful hologram and rediscover a new you.