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WE, THE VAGABONDS! BY ODETE MARTINS BIGOTE A vagabond is an individual who wanders in a haze from place to place. We are all vagabonds, as we dream of running away from our Source, our True Home. After Adam and Eve's son, Cain, killed his brother, Abel, God said to Cain: So now you are cursed from the earth... when you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth. Genesis 4:12 EARTH BECAME A VAGABOND-LAND. When I was a volunteer at Covenant House, an institution for runaway teenagers, I telephoned many parents to let them know where their children were. Most of the parents did not care. Some refused to answer the phone call. They not only let their children run away, they too were running away from their children. INDEED, OUR "WANDERING" STATE REFLECTS IN EVERYTHING WE DO, BUT WE DO NOT REALIZE WHAT IS HAPPENING. The Bible has many examples of runaways; it is the story of vagabonds. In Philemon, a chapter in the New Testament, Onesimus is a slave who ran away from his master. It was Apostle Paul's task to convince both to reconcile. In the Old Testament, the story of the twin brothers, Esau and Jacob, is a great symbol of a fugitive and a vagabond, and his return home. They were Abraham's grandchildren. Esau, having been born first, sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of soup; later he wanted to kill Jacob. Forced to run away, Jacob was a fugitive for many years, until God said to him: "Return to the land of your father and grandfather, and to your relatives there, and I will be with you." Genesis 31:3 Even so, Jacob was afraid of meeting his brother. He made all kinds of preparations, and when he saw his brother approaching, he placed his wives and children in front of him for protection! But God is the real and only Protector: He makes all the necessary arrangements. So,"...Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him...and kissed him, and they wept." Genesis 33:4,5. Since we are all afraid to be punished when we go "back home," this great story in the Bible, should make us ponder, and realize that there is nothing to fear. Our Protector arranges everything in advance; as a matter of fact, everything was arranged before the world began. Indeed, all we need is faith in that Energy that exists within us, and prepares for us the best outcome possible. WE, THE VAGABONDS ARE PREDESTINED TO GO BACK HOME IN PEACE AND IN LOVE, BUT ONLY IF WE HAVE FAITH AND ASK FOR HELP. Written by author Odete Martins Bigote Copyright May 2006
Odete Martins Bigote Author: "You Can Remember Love: Contemplations on Science and Spirituality. Discover that you are a powerful hologram and rediscover a new you.